Date(s) - November 19, 2021 (EET)
Time 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Join us for the final webinar titled “STRENGTHENING POLICIES & PROGRAMMES TO SUPPORT DIASPORA AND MIGRANT ECONOMIC ACTIVITY” in our 5-part series under the “DiasporAid: Opportunities for diaspora engagement to advance Ukraine’s economic development” initiative organized in collaboration with UkraineInvest, IOM Ukraine and Canada-Ukraine Chamber of Commerce dedicated to discussing smart diaspora economic policies, programmes to stimulate diaspora engagement in Ukraine’s economic development.
Registration: https://cutt.ly/lTEf8cb
Webinar Language: English only
Rafael Lucas, Administrative and Financial Director, Brazilian-Ukrainian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Brazil
Vitaliy Milentyev, Member, Supervisory Board, National Depository of Ukraine, Vice President (Portfolio Management), Cornerstone Investment, Canada
Michael Newson, Senior Labour Mobility & Human Development Specialist, International Organization for Migration, Austria
Andrii Romanchuk, EUCON Legal Group, Partner, Member of the Management Board, Association of Ukrainian Business in Poland, Poland
Stefan Romaniw, First Vice President, Ukrainian World Congress, Co-Chair Australian Federation of Ukrainian Organisations, Australia
Kateryna Ardanyan, Migration and Development Officer, IOM Ukraine